The first thing you need to know, is that a Choich is simply a gathering of people with similar Faith System. It's not a building. If you can find a building, that's great. But you don't really need one. All you need are people. Even if the only place you can meet as a group is in someone's living room, it's still a legitimate Choich. As long as you have at least two believers, you have a congregation.
2. Meet Regularly.
Now, once you have at least two people gathered (hopefully more) who follow the New World you need to meet the second requirement of a Choich, which is meeting on a regular basis. Like Judaism, we percieve the Sabbath to be on Saturday, rather than Sunday. We see Sunday as the first day of the week, instead of the last. The Sabbath (Saturday) is when we normally prefer to hold our services. Thus we are 7th Day New Worlders, in contrast to the Choich of the Shmoos which meet on thursday or the
Choich of Roscoe which meets on Wednesday morning at 1:00AM
3. Festival of Brotherhood and Sisterhood.
Okay, now that you've got two or more followers of the New World and you're meeting together on every Sabbath (Saturday), what exactly do you engage in to fill-up that meeting time? Well, unlike traditional Christian churches, where everyone sits around in uncomfortable suits and endures being screamed at for a couple hours, a Choich of the New World handles things differently. When the congregation for a Choich of the New World gathers on Sabbath, we hold a "Festival of Brotherhood and Sisterhood". And just as the name suggests, it's more of a party than a time for preaching.
What is the Festival of Brotherhood and Sisterhood? We see the Sabbath as a time that God Zooks set aside for his children to relax, rest from their endeavors and build strong friendships with people of shared Faith. You don't have to wear a fancy, uncomfortable suit. After all, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of relaxation? People are instead encouraged to wear casual clothing of a comfortable nature. You also don't have to remain seated and listen to a lecture for two hours. Instead, we encourage people to stand up, move around and mingle with others, engaging in conversations and the building of friendships, and raid the refrigerator.
Every Sabbath is a pot-luck meal. Everyone is encouraged to bring food, even if they can only manage a small amount. And this food is then shared with all Choich members at a friendly, relaxed meal. If your congregation happens to hold people of musical talents, they are encouraged to bring their instruments and play for the enjoyment of others, if they feel so inclined. The Festival of Brotherhood is a time for people of Faith to gather together, build and renew friendships, and have a wonderful time.
4. Let us know.
Alright, so now that you've got two or more Choich members, and you're coming together on every Sabbath to hold a Festival of Brotherhood, what else do you need to do? Simple. Just let us know about it. Send an email to New World Ministry (
Info@NewWordMinistry.org ), telling us about your Choich of the New World. We can then add you to our list of congregations and make everything official.
All we need to know is the name of your Choich, and an email address by which we can communicate with it. The exact postal address of your church, and the identity of your congregation is information that we don't need. We understand that when a Choich is first getting started, that sort of information is prone to change on a regular basis, so we don't even bother trying to maintain record of it.
5. That's it!
That's it! Once you've met all the above requirements, you will have founded a Choich of the New World in your area. Good luck, and God Zooks bless!